Tuesday, January 27, 2009

aku ngan kawan ku terkena.

masa tu tgh azan dan kiter tgh borak. naturally ader org tegur suruh respek azan la.
so ok. after azan abes ader topik baru dan terwujud sesi soal jawab cam game show.
bayangkan ader stage besar macam who wants to be a millionaire.

level 1. difficulty - easy
adakah anda sembahyang?
yes la jugak
level 2. difficulty - medium
anda kena smayang brapa kali sehari?
5 kali sehari(senang actually)
level 3. difficulty - hard.
saper yang tengah nyanyikan azan?(seriously dia pakai perkataan nyanyi, and time tu tgh azan)
whats its name............bilal.( terlupa tapi still bleh jawab)
level 4. difficulty - tahap nak suruh rahim klua kan kamera
adakah anda bangun pagi sebelum subuh untuk sembahyang?
.......... krik krik krik.........total and utter silence

Thursday, January 22, 2009

surgical bombing

Future Weapons - Smart Heavy Artillery

07:55- it hits the target within 7 yards

this is a basic projetile motion.( a mortar shot actually)

But being a smart shell it would be shot with a higher angle and will head down when ever the mission requires.
the shell has GPS and wings for angle and speed variation.
-Producing precise destruction.
Higher angle of flight
-high angle for the decent
-increasing the flexibility of the shell projection.

the idea is :
1. minimum collateral damage.
2. reduce munitions usage.
3. targets near schools, hospitals, etc could still be destroyed.
4. thus eliminating enemy use of such places as shields.

do remember. 
1. surgical strikes actually include marksman skirmishes.
Oh ya! Secondly
this is an explanation for precision bombing. a technology to increase destruction efficiency.
reminding u guys about the DESTRUCTION part after aww-ing to the awesomeness of the tech.