Friday, September 10, 2010

apparentleeee i ramble.

I'm imperfect. love meh or hate meh. I'm hooman.

what have been written can be changed, but i do not wish it so.
if i do i think i'll be erasing myself.
the self i have forgotten,
the self that in time - will be called naive,
being young is the time to make mistakes.

its good to have elders who teach, but pupils from the school of hard knocks have better retention.
yet people forget.
they forget the people that loved them, why they helped.
a simple cause is the strongest yet,
to motivate a person emotionally is stronger than rationally.

think big, think objectively, but responsibly. anything in between are obstructions.

everybody has something to bring to the table. food
different people different strokes. golf
work with the cards u have,
win it or not, try not to chong ;p- tai tee

i walk where i want, in mind not to thread to near to fire.

malaysia must never use nuclear. blood cancer! learn of other ways.
apparentlee in countries which uses nuclear there are plenty of ill born children, autism etc.
there have been nuclear exposure deaths of malaysian students, think of the ones who didn't die?

[chinks. powerful people. personally i fear their tenacity, their ability to survive.
Mays are powerful individuals. but as people they are weak.
they love glam, working class mind set.
i have an uncle who wouldn't want to say he is a malay cause he is ashamed of how idiotic they can be. muka cam cina kays. itu takleh watpe arr. (my grandparents biologically chinese, but culturally malay - ada paham?). aku nih da campur bugis(mmg kantoi arr melayu).
dia pakai estima hybrid. progressive kot~(estima ngan hybrid shouldn't be used together, ironic sesangat)

i don't hate chinks, i have their blood in me.
but roket tak jaga orang len, bek vote BN dari biar dorang bom masa depan anak2 aku.
my blood is related to jermeng amerikaa chinese melayu, i racist camne pon i tak racist. hahaha
its familia]

the malay race has a country that with a same sounding name.
but no one wants to be a malay, the rich wants to be mat sallehs makan kat meja, dgr the ting-tings.
the rurals nak jadi arab, pakai jubah, serban. mmg to obscurity la bangsa kita.

mat saleh leyh men roket, saya melayu nak men meriam.
kena buat program safety men meriam arr sblum grad.

hihi i wanted to write a little. tapi it became long. ni bukan tu tontonan umum. ni my notes.