Monday, September 29, 2008

tersalah dengar...

cuba bayang td aku dgr mak aku kata..

"danial butterfingers isytihar raya"......WTFork!!! cool gler. sejak biler BFingers bleh isytihar raya.

pastu aku perasan ayah aku tukar warta berita.

rupanya ayat yg benar ialah.....

"danial warta berita, isytihar raya"

i try....

just for your information.
i rarely respond out of malice.
but do try to think things through
and being indifferent.

i try......

p/s: btw korang tau ke malice tu aper?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Education Time

hey ho!!~~
hello Boys and Girls..
today Unkle Saddam have verrryy interesting stuff to share.
and i meant it when i said 'verrryy'.

look at this pix of a model of a footballer
kalau nak tau ni dulu manusia idup.......

so witout wasting anymore time
Let the show begin!!!!

........warning: not for the faint of heart......

Have u ever heard of plastination?
its a way of preserving bodily tissues by changing bodily fluids with polymers a.k.a. plastic.
and being that it is plastic it could be cut in milimeters.
which is 1/10th of a cm.

Gunther von Hagens created plastination in 1977.
and now he made a whole display of his works.
thats Gunther.

for more Info do go to these sites

once i had a dream

did u ever had a dream. so serene. so calm.
it was heavenly.
but it had a twist in the end.

i had one.
it was like a summer house in the woods. alah like the ones in Funny games(a must see for moovie peeps)
somebody was goin to have a BBQ and as always i'm eager to help. (kalau tolong nanti makan lagi cepat (: )

so i was like walking through this house that looks like the one in "lesen" to grill.
it was so calm. think classical music is in the air accompanied by trees brushing b'coz of the breeze.

so like normal when i headed to the dapur mmg kena marinate and potong2 makanan la.
i sampai je ader jumpa sorang dude tgh basuh pinggan sambil hulur pisau besar, the dude said "weyh mat gi potong2 daging tu. kang senang nak masak"
i macam excited ar kalau pisau besar mesti makan kambing guling.
yg macam kat kennyrogers tapi kambing.

jd dgn hati yg gumbira pon i jalan la ke tempat bbq. sebelah tu ader la daging blum masak bawah kain....
tapi yg i pelik bende tu besar dan panjang semacam kalau kambing.

so dgn hati nak melahap daging kambing i pon selak la kain tersebut.
ko tau aku nampak aper?
dari mimpi pasal mknan and holiday tetiba..........

ko tau tak gambar sistem otot manusia dalam buku biology?
yg skinless tu. yg muscle ngan tendon putih je bleh nampak.
oh ya mata "kambing" tu biru

tu la bende yg mamat kat dapur td suh aku melahap.

pergh tak peluh sejuk plak!!! terus terbangun kot.

yg i cannot stand is the way mamat kat dapur cakap suruh sediakan "makanan".


Sunday, September 21, 2008

1more hour to sahur

skang kul 4. aku takleh tido.

pasal ramadhan ialah bulan dimana aku telah buktikan manusia boleh jadi a true nocturnal creature.
it has been so for the past 4 years.
siang time tido. malam time aku jadi bz.

so my biological clock dah lari(pls jgn suruh aku kejar).

jd aku buat challenge tuk diriku yg tgh bosan(jeng jeng jeng)
"Brape banyak bende menarik aku bleh wujudkan dalam masa sejam" (klua mercun2 lawa)


IKE!!!!(cam istana takeshi)

1. "Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it needs is just a little... push" - The J
maderfaking genius, saper writer dialog ni!!!!!!!

2. Selamat menyambut Ramadhan. Puasa, jangan ponteng. Kalau ponteng, jangan kantoi.-anak mat nor (mat nor ader byk anak yg ader blog. so browse around kalau nak tau sape)

3. "Things you own, end up owning you"-encik Pitt dalam Kelab Lawan

4. kalau mat rempit jd badut-------->"Bai, lu nak gua buat bentuk haiwan pakai belon tak? Lu tak nak, lu boleh blah sebelum kasut gua yang besar ni hinggap kat muka lu." bunyik cam mmber ak kat matrix dulu........

5. "imagination is more important then knowledge" cool giler rambut dier. time ak tua nanti nak rambut camni la

more badut rempit+++++>>"Bai, sebelum gua campak lu masuk longkang, baik lu blah. Lu jangan buat gua hilang sabar, lu parah kang. Lu nak makan kasut besar gua ke?"

Saturday, September 20, 2008

i try...

the Difference
of man and aminals
of Freedom or the Noose

But when a person ask for the Colour
Black and White was never the answer.