Friday, February 13, 2009

language is the mold of civilisation

man is the product of language.

if u look into how a community use certain words in a language, u can see a certain pattern of conduct that follows.

this is the direct translation.

but according to the language it has totally different usage.
berkira- stingy.(other lingos- kemut,kedekut, etc.)
calculative- being aware of every reaction available to a certain action. thus the word foresight is involved.

foresight is a very good value to have.
thus in the english speaking communities to be calculative is seen as wise.

unlike the word berkira which shows a person is stingy,
thus seeing in daily life,
when ever a person has earned a bit of cash they have the obligation to splurge on friends and family.
if they had kept the money atleast it would be useful for a longger period of time.

see!? this is shows how
man is the product of language.
even ideals and values are.... how do say.....not distorted but changed
through the inconsiderate usage of language.

i use the word inconsiderate
because at the end if the day
it is not the upbringing which is at fault
because every person old enough should have known better which is best.

they are old enough

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